Comfort zone Sun soul milk spray SPF30

Sun soul vananemisvastane päikesekaitsepiim SPF30/Sun soul milk spray SPF30 Kiiresti imenduv päikesekaitsekreem, mis on rikastatud uue põlvkonna heksapeptiidiga naha pikaealisuse tagamiseks ja antioksüdantse Acerola ekstraktiga, mis aitab ennetada fotovananemise ilminguid.

37.25 € -3%  (150 ml)
248.32€ / 1L
38.4 €  (150 ml)
256€ / 1L
Delivery longer than 1 day
Delivery longer than 1 day
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EAN Code / Package Code : 8004608516002

Producer : Vaata pakendilt

Importer : Vaata pakendilt

Pack : 150 ml

Sun soul vananemisvastane päikesekaitsepiim SPF30/Sun soul milk spray SPF30

Kiiresti imenduv päikesekaitsekreem, mis on rikastatud uue põlvkonna heksapeptiidiga naha pikaealisuse tagamiseks ja antioksüdantse Acerola ekstraktiga, mis aitab ennetada fotovananemise ilminguid.

Kanda vajalik kogus kreemi enne päikese kätte minemist. Ohutuks päevitamiseks kanna täiendav kogus kreemi uuesti nahale, kindlasti pärast ujumist ja higistamist. HOIATUS: Mitte jääda liiga kauaks päikese kätte, isegi kasutades päiksekaitset. Liigne päike on tervisele ohtlik! Vältida toote silma sattumist!


Total availability:
Kalda tee 1C, Tartu: -
Mustakivi keskus: -

* Attention! The quantity of goods is informative and is constantly changing. Please note that the item may be sold out by the time you submit your order or visit our store. Also, the quantity may not always be accurate. Keep in mind that having a product in stock does not always automatically guarantee that it will be available in the required quantity.

The higher the quantity of the item in stock, the more likely you are to be able to purchase the item in the right quantity.

<5 - the quantity of goods in the warehouse is less than 5 pcs.
5> - the quantity of goods in stock is more than 5 pcs.
>100 - more than 100 items in stock

**All orders made within Estonia, made and paid for before 13:00, will be delivered the next business day if possible! Except holidays!