Kezy Blond Silver Mask, Silvermask

Intensive restoration of hair and correction of unwanted yellowness allows you to offer a special professional mask Kezy Magic Life silver mask. It has the best properties for chemically damaged hair and will quickly restore it to its excellent appearance and health. The composition of the Kezy Magic Life silver mask contains proteins of vegetable origin, organic acids and moisturizing substances, thanks to which the strands are reconstructed from the inside, receive the maximum level of satura...

8.98 € -3%  (300 ml)
29.94€ / 1L
9.26 €  (300 ml)
30.87€ / 1L
Delivery longer than 1 days
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EAN-kod / Paketkod : 8056457092671

Producent : Vaata pakendilt

Importör : Vaata pakendilt

Packa : 300 ml

Intensive restoration of hair and correction of unwanted yellowness allows you to offer a special professional mask Kezy Magic Life silver mask. It has the best properties for chemically damaged hair and will quickly restore it to its excellent appearance and health.
The composition of the Kezy Magic Life silver mask contains proteins of vegetable origin, organic acids and moisturizing substances, thanks to which the strands are reconstructed from the inside, receive the maximum level of saturation with moisture and nutrients, protection from external harmful effects, become stunningly beautiful and docile, get rid of dryness, brittle and dull, acquire the charming luster and softness of cashmere. The formula of the product includes a cocktail of pigments containing a violet shade, which can adjust the shade of the hair and hide the ugly yellowish shade. With regular use of the mask, the strands become not only truly luxurious, but also visually beautiful: they acquire a noble cold shade.

How to use: Apply Kezy Magic Life silver mask to hair and leave for 5 minutes. Rinse.

Kalda tee 1C, Tartu: <5
Mustakivi keskus: <5

* Observera! Mängden varor är informativ och förändras ständigt. Observera att varan kan vara slutsåld när du skickar in din beställning eller besöker vår butik. Dessutom kanske kvantiteten inte alltid är korrekt. Tänk på att att ha en produkt i lager inte alltid automatiskt garanterar att den kommer att finnas tillgänglig i den kvantitet som krävs.

Ju högre kvantitet av varan i lager, desto mer sannolikt är det att du kan köpa varan i rätt kvantitet.

<5 - mängden varor i lagret är mindre än 5 st.
5> - mängden varor i lager är mer än 5 st.
>100 - mer än 100 artiklar i lager

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