The high-performance robot vacuum Neato Botvac™ D85

The high-performance robot vacuum Botvac™ D85   The high-performance robot vacuum, specially designed to pick up all types of hair—ideal for homes with pets. High-performance robot vacuum that's best for picking up dust and allergens  Includes new spiral blade brush, high performance filter, boundary markers and new brush and filter cleaning tool Uses patented Neato BotVision to scan and map the room  Vacuums dirt, crumbs, and dust bunnies from al...

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EAN / Код : 810841011680

Производитель : USA

Импортер : PRO Kosmeetika

Упаковка : 1 tk

The high-performance robot vacuum Botvac™ D85
The high-performance robot vacuum, specially designed to pick up all types of hair—ideal for homes with pets.
High-performance robot vacuum that's best for picking up dust and allergens 
Includes new spiral blade brush, high performance filter, boundary markers and new brush and filter cleaning tool
Uses patented Neato BotVision to scan and map the room 
Vacuums dirt, crumbs, and dust bunnies from all floor types 
Combines powerful suction with a 50% larger brush 
Easily scheduled daily cleanings
Features a combo brush that is uniquely designed to pick up pet hair—and is quieter, too, especially on hard floors like wood and tile. Patented laser-guided technology scans and maps the room, plans, and methodically cleans, automatically moving from room to room. 50% larger brush, bigger-is-better dirt bin, extra large filter, and precise edge cleaning brush pick up more dirt and debris. Schedule daily cleanings or push a button for instant multi-room or spot cleaning. Automatically goes back to charge base, then returns to where it left off.
The Neato BotVac D85 Robot Vacuum Cleaner has a patented laser-guided technology scans and maps the room, plans, and methodically cleans, automatically moving from room to room. It features a combo brush that is uniquely designed to pick up pet hair—and is quieter, too, especially on hard floors like wood and tile. 50% larger brush, bigger-is-better dirt bin, extra large filter, and precise edge cleaning brush pick up more dirt and debris. Schedule daily cleanings or push a button for instant multi-room or spot cleaning. Automatically goes back to charge base, then returns to where it left off.
Easy-to-use boundary markers keep it where you want and away from place you don’t—like pet bowls, cords, and toys. Just drop them down. Nothing complicated about it. Automatically goes back to its charge base to juice up then returns to where it left off and finishes the job. Easily schedule daily cleanings or just push a button for instant multi-room or spot cleaning.
Features a combo brush that is uniquely designed to pick up pet hair—and is quieter, too, especially on hard floors like wood and tile. 
Advanced SpinFlow Power Clean system picks up more of the stuff that lands on the floor--like dirt, cereal, dustbunnies, and crumbs.
50% larger brush gets closer to the wall than those round robot vacuums.
Bigger-is-better dirt bin holds more and is easy to empty.
Extra-large filter captures more dust and allergens.
Precise edge cleaning side brush makes sure not a speck of dust escapes its path.
Easily schedule daily cleanings or just push a button for instant multi-room or spot cleaning.
Automatically goes back to its charge base to juice up then returns to where it left off and finishes the job.
Easy-to-use boundary markers keep it where you want and away from place you don’t—like pet bowls, cords, and toys. Just drop them down. Nothing complicated about it.
Length 32.1 cm 12.7 in
Width 33.5 cm 13.2 in
Height 10 cm 3.9 in
Weight 4.1 kg 9 lbs
Battery NiMH (nickel metal hydride)
Charger Voltage 110V, 220V
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