R.O.C.S. Kids Fruity Cone Toothpaste

R.O.C.S. Kids Fruity Cone Toothpaste An effective means of protection against caries for children aged 3-7, does not contain fluoride. Developed with the help of dentists while taking into account various age-related characteristics of children. Fruit-flavored ice cream is a very attractive flavor for children. Maybe it will become the favorite for yours. Dentists especially recommend the use of toothpastes without fluoride in cases where there is a risk of excess fluorine entering the body...

5.22 € -3%  (45 gr)
115.93€ / 1Kg
5.38 €  (45 gr)
119.51€ / 1Kg
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EAN-kod / Paketkod : 4607034470715

Producent : Vaata pakendilt

Importör : Vaata pakendilt

Packa : 45 gr

R.O.C.S. Kids Fruity Cone Toothpaste

An effective means of protection against caries for children aged 3-7, does not contain fluoride. Developed with the help of dentists while taking into account various age-related characteristics of children.
Fruit-flavored ice cream is a very attractive flavor for children. Maybe it will become the favorite for yours.
Dentists especially recommend the use of toothpastes without fluoride in cases where there is a risk of excess fluorine entering the body:
• If the child already displays visible symptoms of fluorosis
• If there is excess fluorine in the water (over 1.2 mg/l)
• If the child was prescribed medicine containing fluoride
The low abrasion formula does not damage dental tissues (RDA=45). It is recommended to use a pea-sized amount of toothpaste for brushing. Children under the school age should brush their teeth under the supervision of adults.
Does not contain sodium lauryl sulphate. The toothpaste may be recommended to children with allergies*.
*Confirmed during laboratory and clinical trials
2-year-long clinical testing has confirmed the high efficiency of the R.O.C.S. kids toothpaste.

Kalda tee 1C, Tartu: 5>
Mustakivi keskus: 5>

* Observera! Mängden varor är informativ och förändras ständigt. Observera att varan kan vara slutsåld när du skickar in din beställning eller besöker vår butik. Dessutom kanske kvantiteten inte alltid är korrekt. Tänk på att att ha en produkt i lager inte alltid automatiskt garanterar att den kommer att finnas tillgänglig i den kvantitet som krävs.

Ju högre kvantitet av varan i lager, desto mer sannolikt är det att du kan köpa varan i rätt kvantitet.

<5 - mängden varor i lagret är mindre än 5 st.
5> - mängden varor i lager är mer än 5 st.
>100 - mer än 100 artiklar i lager

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