Biotopix Specific Eyelash

Biotopix Specific Eyelash Long and voluptuos eyelashes are considered a sign of femininity. Biotopix Specific Eyelashes is a cosmetic eyelash conditioner containing a specific peptide selected for its beneficial properties for improving the length, volume and darkness of the eyelashes. Prostaglandin-free. Biotopix Specific Eyelashes stimulates keratin genes which helps boost growth of natural eyelashes. Biotopix Specific Eyelashes lengthens and thickens the eyelashes, fortifies the hair...

47.34 € -3%  (2.5 ml)
18934.4€ / 1L
48.8 €  (2.5 ml)
19520€ / 1L
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EAN-kod / Paketkod : 7640137710071

Producent : Vaata pakendilt

Importör : Vaata pakendilt

Packa : 2.5 ml

Biotopix Specific Eyelash

Long and voluptuos eyelashes are considered a sign of femininity.

Biotopix Specific Eyelashes is a cosmetic eyelash conditioner containing a specific peptide selected for its beneficial properties for improving the length, volume and darkness of the eyelashes. Prostaglandin-free.

Biotopix Specific Eyelashes stimulates keratin genes which helps boost growth of natural eyelashes. Biotopix Specific Eyelashes lengthens and thickens the eyelashes, fortifies the hair, noticeably intensifying one's expression, supporting the newest lash treatment technology for naturally beautiful, truly plentiful eyelashes!

Clinical Data of Biotopix Specific Eyelashes shows 25% visible increase in eyelash length after 2 weeks of use.


Directions for use: Once a day at bedtime apply a thin line of the product to the root of both the upper and lower eyelashes (as though applying eyeliner). Only a small quantity is needed.

Kalda tee 1C, Tartu: -
Mustakivi keskus: -

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