ACM Novophane Sebo-Regulating Shampoo

ACM Novophane Sebo-Regulating Shampoo Shampoo for hair with tendency to oiliness Novophane Sebo-Regulating shampoo is meant to: - Clean the hair thoroughly - Regulate sebum production - Delay re-greasing of the hair This effect comes from the synergistic action of carefully tested and selected ingredients that are known to be effective in regulating sebum production. The main active ingredients are:  - Zinc Gluconate (0.5%) + Vitamin B6 (0.1%) + Biotin (0.1%) slow do...

14.32 € -20%  (200 ml)
71.6€ / 1L
17.9 €  (200 ml)
89.5€ / 1L
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EAN-kod / Paketkod : 3760095250892

Producent : Vaata pakendilt

Importör : Vaata pakendilt

Packa : 200 ml

ACM Novophane Sebo-Regulating Shampoo

Shampoo for hair with tendency to oiliness

Novophane Sebo-Regulating shampoo is meant to:

- Clean the hair thoroughly

- Regulate sebum production

- Delay re-greasing of the hair

This effect comes from the synergistic action of carefully tested and selected ingredients that are known to be effective in regulating sebum production.

The main active ingredients are: 

- Zinc Gluconate (0.5%) + Vitamin B6 (0.1%) + Biotin (0.1%) slow down sebum production;

- Extract of stinging Nettle (0.5%) regulates sebum production but also has an anti-oxidising and anti-inflammatory effect.

Novophane shampoo is dermatologically tested and does not irritate the skin or the eyes.


Moisten the hair and apply the shampoo by gently massaging the scalp. Leave the shampoo for a few minutes and then rinse thoroughly with plenty of water. Use conditioner if necessary.

Kalda tee 1C, Tartu: <5
Mustakivi keskus: <5

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