ACM Sebionex Mattifying Gel SPF50

ACM Sebionex Mattifying Gel SPF50 Mattyfying gel SPF 50 Sebionex mattifying gel SPF 50 offers a high degree of protection against UVA/UVA, combined with a long-lasting effect. Its light texture and mattifying properties make the product perfectly adapted to oily and acne-prone skin. Contains 2 active ingredients with a long-lasting effect: Talc and Zinc Gluconate. Waterproof, fragrance free.   Appy Sebionex mattifying gel to clean, dry skin, 30 minutes before each sun exposur...

15.92 € -20%  (40 ml)
398€ / 1L
19.9 €  (40 ml)
497.5€ / 1L
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EAN-kod / Paketkod : 3760095250564

Producent : Vaata pakendilt

Importör : Vaata pakendilt

Packa : 40 ml

ACM Sebionex Mattifying Gel SPF50

Mattyfying gel SPF 50

Sebionex mattifying gel SPF 50 offers a high degree of protection against UVA/UVA, combined with a long-lasting effect. Its light texture and mattifying properties make the product perfectly adapted to oily and acne-prone skin. Contains 2 active ingredients with a long-lasting effect: Talc and Zinc Gluconate.

Waterproof, fragrance free.


Appy Sebionex mattifying gel to clean, dry skin, 30 minutes before each sun exposure. Regularly renew the application particularly after swimming, sweating or toweling yourself dry. Do not expose babies and young children directly to the sun. Do not stay in the sun for too long even if you use a sunscreen product as it does not protect you completely. Excessive sun exposure is dangerous for health.

Kalda tee 1C, Tartu: -
Mustakivi keskus: -

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