R.O.C.S. Pro Electro & Whitening Toothpaste

R.O.C.S. Pro Electro & Whitening Toothpaste The R.O.C.S.® PRO ELECTRO & WHITENING TOOTHPASTE is designed especially to be used with hi-tech electrical toothbrushes, the popularity of which is steadily growing in the whole world. The product had been tested using one of the premium effective PHILIPS SONICARE SONIC ELECTRIC TOOTHBRUSHES models. The combined effect of natural enzymes and the dynamic flow of liquid created by the Philips Sonicare technology softens up the dental pl...

7.88 € -3%  (100 ml)
78.79€ / 1L
8.12 €  (100 ml)
81.23€ / 1L
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EAN-kod / Paketkod : 4607034473938 AO

Producent : EU Europe

Packa : 100 ml

R.O.C.S. Pro Electro & Whitening Toothpaste

The R.O.C.S.® PRO ELECTRO & WHITENING TOOTHPASTE is designed especially to be used with hi-tech electrical toothbrushes, the popularity of which is steadily growing in the whole world. The product had been tested using one of the premium effective PHILIPS SONICARE SONIC ELECTRIC TOOTHBRUSHES models.

The combined effect of natural enzymes and the dynamic flow of liquid created by the Philips Sonicare technology softens up the dental plaque and the colored pigmentations, effectively removing them.


The combined use of R.O.C.S.® PRO ELECTRO WHITENING and Philips Sonicare has a pronounced long-lasting cleaning, smoothing and whitening effect, which, taking into account how gentle this technology is on the teeth, allows it to be used for everyday oral care. May be used with manual R.O.C.S. toothbrushes.

Kalda tee 1C, Tartu: <5
Mustakivi keskus: <5

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