Australian Gold Accelerator

Australian Gold Accelerator With Native Australian Oils and Vitamins A and E, this exotic blend is a superb tanning formula, which allows your natural pigmentation process to tan as fast as nature allows! Exclusive Biosine® Complex formula carries nutrients, moisturizers and protectants keeping your skin hydrated and conditioned.     Most recognized and widely sold lotion in the tanning industry     Botanical Essences and Native Australian Oils:  &n...

4.36 € -3%  (15 ml)
291€ / 1L
4.5 €  (15 ml)
300€ / 1L
Delivery longer than 7 days
Inte tillräckligt med produkter i lager, välj mindre kvantitet
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EAN-kod / Paketkod : 054402350010 A10000

Producent : USA

Packa : 15 ml

Australian Gold Accelerator

With Native Australian Oils and Vitamins A and E, this exotic blend is a superb tanning formula, which allows your natural pigmentation process to tan as fast as nature allows! Exclusive Biosine® Complex formula carries nutrients, moisturizers and protectants keeping your skin hydrated and conditioned.

    Most recognized and widely sold lotion in the tanning industry
    Botanical Essences and Native Australian Oils:
        Supply important nutrients to the skin for deep, dark color
        Advanced moisturizing ingredients help hydrate the skin for a soft, smooth effect
    Classic Australian Gold® CocoaDreams fragrance







Kalda tee 1C, Tartu: <5
Mustakivi keskus: 5>

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