Karaja BB White Cream, Secret Touch

Karaja BB White Cream, Secret Touch The magic of a white cream that adapts to skin contact with the natural skin tone. The cream provides a fresh, radiant and matte effect, thanks to the microencapsulated pigmenten.De formula results in a dash of color to be easily and perfectly fitted. It contains a precious active ingredient derived from brown seaweed comes from Bretange, a real energy booster that helps to stimulate the celvitaliteit. In vitro studies have shown that the brown alga is resp...

12.2 € -60%  (30 ml)
406.67€ / 1L
30.5 €  (30 ml)
1016.67€ / 1L
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Delivery longer than 7 days
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EAN-kod / Paketkod : 8058150551547

Producent : Itaalia - Italy

Packa : 30 ml

Karaja BB White Cream, Secret Touch

The magic of a white cream that adapts to skin contact with the natural skin tone. The cream provides a fresh, radiant and matte effect, thanks to the microencapsulated pigmenten.De formula results in a dash of color to be easily and perfectly fitted. It contains a precious active ingredient derived from brown seaweed comes from Bretange, a real energy booster that helps to stimulate the celvitaliteit. In vitro studies have shown that the brown alga is responsive to the energy production of cells, so as to promote the formation of collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid.

appropriate for all skin types and is available in 2 shades.
No. 1 Beige
No. 2 Rose

Kalda tee 1C, Tartu: <5
Mustakivi keskus: -

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