Karaja CC Cream

Karaja CC Cream This active brightening cream is fresh and melts on the skin. He adds a touch of color that makes the skin velvety soft and radiant. In a natural snap the skin complexion is smooth and perfect. Moreover, you can count on with this cream a real treat. The formula is enriched with Phyto Complex of Olive Leaves and bearberry., Blotches and uneven skin tone caused by excessive exposure to sunlight fades and homrmonale factors or age. The protective effect is enhanced by the pres...

12.2 € -60%  (30 ml)
406.67€ / 1L
30.5 €  (30 ml)
1016.67€ / 1L
Slut i lager
Delivery longer than 7 days
Inte tillräckligt med produkter i lager, välj mindre kvantitet

EAN-kod / Paketkod : 8058150551509

Producent : Itaalia - Italy

Packa : 30 ml

Karaja CC Cream

This active brightening cream is fresh and melts on the skin. He adds a touch of color that makes the skin velvety soft and radiant. In a natural snap the skin complexion is smooth and perfect. Moreover, you can count on with this cream a real treat.
The formula is enriched with Phyto Complex of Olive Leaves and bearberry., Blotches and uneven skin tone caused by excessive exposure to sunlight fades and homrmonale factors or age.
The protective effect is enhanced by the presence of sunscreens and Vitamin E, which acts as antioxidant.
The hyaluronic acid ensures hydration.

Available in colors:
No. 1
No. 2
No. 3
No. 4
No. 5

Kalda tee 1C, Tartu: -
Mustakivi keskus: -

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