Oster Blade Lube Premium Clipper Oil

Oster Blade Lube Premium Clipper Oil Premium lubricating oil is designed for professional use as a non-detergent oil meeting FDA purity standards. Ideal for all clippers and blades. Regular use will significantly prolong clipper and blade life. OILING UNIT: Oil unit periodaically. Add only one drop of Oster Oil. TOO MUCH OIL WILL DAMAGE THE CLIPPER. STEP ONE: If your clipper is equipped with an oil port on the side of the unit, apply only one drop of oil into port to lubricate the drive...

7.2 € -3%  (118 ml)
61.01€ / 1L
7.42 €  (118 ml)
62.9€ / 1L
Delivery longer than 7 days
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EAN-kod / Paketkod : 034264408807 3384

Producent : USA

Packa : 118 ml

Oster Blade Lube Premium Clipper Oil

Premium lubricating oil is designed for professional use as a non-detergent oil meeting FDA purity standards. Ideal for all clippers and blades. Regular use will significantly prolong clipper and blade life.

OILING UNIT: Oil unit periodaically. Add only one drop of Oster Oil. TOO MUCH OIL WILL DAMAGE THE CLIPPER.

STEP ONE: If your clipper is equipped with an oil port on the side of the unit, apply only one drop of oil into port to lubricate the drive shaft.


STEP TWO: Clean blades regularly using a clean cloth and blade brush included with clipper.

STEP THREE: Place ONE DROP of oil on upper rail where the two blades make contact.

STEP FOUR: Place ONE DROP of oil on lower rail. Replace blades on clipper and apply two drops of oil across blades and wipe off exess oil with clean cloth.

Kalda tee 1C, Tartu: <5
Mustakivi keskus: <5

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<5 - mängden varor i lagret är mindre än 5 st.
5> - mängden varor i lager är mer än 5 st.
>100 - mer än 100 artiklar i lager

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