Bell HypoAllergenic Aloe BB Cream, Aloe BB Cream 01

Aloe vera is a wonderful plant with many good properties. Aloe vera creates a protective barrier for the skin, deeply moisturizes the skin, relieves redness and irritation, and protects against the harmful effects of UV radiation. Due to these beneficial properties, aloe vera is often the main ingredient in medicines, creams, masks and facial toners. Products with aloe vera are suitable for all skin types, regardless of whether it is acneic, tired or dry skin. Bell HYPOAllergenic Aloe BB crea...

12.43 € -15%  (1 tk)
12.43€ / 1pc
14.63 €  (1 tk)
14.63€ / 1pc
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EAN-kod / Paketkod : 5902082552826

Producent : Vaata pakendilt

Importör : Vaata pakendilt

Packa : 1 tk

Aloe vera is a wonderful plant with many good properties. Aloe vera creates a protective barrier for the skin, deeply moisturizes the skin, relieves redness and irritation, and protects against the harmful effects of UV radiation. Due to these beneficial properties, aloe vera is often the main ingredient in medicines, creams, masks and facial toners. Products with aloe vera are suitable for all skin types, regardless of whether it is acneic, tired or dry skin.

Bell HYPOAllergenic Aloe BB cream has a light and comfortable composition, natural coverage and leaves the skin with a healthy and rested impression. Contains aloe leaf juice, which has a moisturizing and nourishing effect. In addition, the product also contains a sun protection factor of SPF 15. Protects the skin from harmful external influences such as UV radiation.

Kalda tee 1C, Tartu: <5
Mustakivi keskus: <5

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