Joico K-PAK Color Therapy Dry Oil Spray

Joico K-PAK Color Therapy Dry Oil Spray Tired of those shine products that leave you slick as a runway and flat as a pancake? We are, too. Which is precisely why we designed our wonder oil to add big luster and protection with just the wispiest veil of spray. Sure it gives you a knockout gleam… but it also protects precious color, creates a certain silkiness, and fights flyaways to boot. Perfect choice for: Any hair type, texture (even the frizz-prone), or color–it’s als...

21.07 € -20%  (212 ml)
99.37€ / 1L
26.33 €  (212 ml)
124.21€ / 1L
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EAN-kod / Paketkod : 074469491761 SV

Producent : USA

Packa : 212 ml

Joico K-PAK Color Therapy Dry Oil Spray

Tired of those shine products that leave you slick as a runway and flat as a pancake? We are, too. Which is precisely why we designed our wonder oil to add big luster and protection with just the wispiest veil of spray. Sure it gives you a knockout gleam… but it also protects precious color, creates a certain silkiness, and fights flyaways to boot.

Perfect choice for: Any hair type, texture (even the frizz-prone), or color–it’s also color-safe on delicate blonde shades.

Here’s how: Simply hit the nozzle for an instant dose of shine, nourishment and tress taming whenever (and wherever) you need it.

The inside secret: Sustainable natural oils (Sunflower, Jojoba, and African Manketti) replenish lost lipids; while our Bio-Advanced Peptide Complex and QuadraBond technology literally seal hair’s outer layer, creating a protective shield against color-fade and moisture-loss

Kalda tee 1C, Tartu: <5
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