ReAline Vitamin B Complex, Vitamin B-komplex

ReAline® Vitamin B Complex is a complete vitamin B complex with four methylated B vitamins and four dietary B vitamins to ensure complete absorption. Contains L-methionine, a precursor to glutathione, the body's own antioxidant, and taurine, which provides nutritional value for the heart and liver and for body cleansing. Thiamine (vitamin B1) contributes to normal energy metabolism contributes to the normal functioning of the nervous system contributes to normal psychological fun...

55 €  (60 tk)
0.92€ / 1pc
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EAN-kod / Paketkod : 866486000008 RNA411

Producent : Vaata pakendilt

Importör : Vaata pakendilt

Packa : 60 tk

ReAline® Vitamin B Complex is a complete vitamin B complex with four methylated B vitamins and four dietary B vitamins to ensure complete absorption. Contains L-methionine, a precursor to glutathione, the body's own antioxidant, and taurine, which provides nutritional value for the heart and liver and for body cleansing.

Thiamine (vitamin B1)

contributes to normal energy metabolism
contributes to the normal functioning of the nervous system
contributes to normal psychological functions
contributes to normal heart function
Riboflavin (vitamin B2)

contributes to normal energy metabolism
contributes to normal functioning of the nervous system
Helps to maintain normal mucous membranes
Helps maintain normal red blood cells
Helps to maintain normal skin
helps maintain normal vision
Helps keep iron metabolism normal
helps protect cells from oxidative stress
Helps reduce fatigue and tiredness
Vitamin B3 - Niacin

Helps reduce fatigue and tiredness
Contributes to normal psychological function
contributes to normal functioning of the nervous system
contributes to normal energy metabolism
Helps to maintain normal mucous membranes 
helps to maintain normal skin
Helps reduce fatigue and tiredness
Vitamin B6

contributes to normal cysteine synthesis
contributes to normal energy metabolism
contributes to normal functioning of the nervous system
contributes to normal homocysteine metabolism
contributes to normal protein and glycogen metabolism
contributes to normal psychological functions
contributes to normal red blood cell formation
contributes to the normal functioning of the immune system
helps reduce fatigue and tiredness
contributes to the regulation of hormonal activity
Vitamin B12

contributes to normal energy metabolism
contributes to the normal functioning of the nervous system
contributes to the normal metabolism of homocysteine
contributes to normal psychological functions
contributes to normal red blood cell formation
contributes to the normal functioning of the immune system
helps reduce fatigue and tiredness
participates in the process of cell division

contributes to normal energy metabolism 
contributes to the normal functioning of the nervous system
contributes to macronutrient metabolism
contributes to normal psychological functions
helps to maintain normal hair
helps to maintain normal mucous membranes
Helps to maintain normal skin
Pantothenic acid

contributes to normal energy metabolism
contributes to the normal synthesis and metabolism of steroid hormones, vitamin D and certain neurotransmitters
helps reduce fatigue and tiredness
contributes to normal mental performance
RnA ReSet® forms set a new standard for how to approach nutrient-based goals. We understand that depleted soils and processed foods significantly deplete essential nutrients in the body. Today's consumer needs holistic products that meet nature's own chosen function and absorption standards. We rely on the intelligent design of the biological systems of the human body and believe that, given the right nutrients, the body can adequately support the structures and functions of cells, tissues, bones and/or organs.

Take 1 capsule twice daily with food.

Do not exceed the recommended daily intake! It is important to eat a varied and balanced diet and lead a healthy lifestyle! Do not use as a substitute for a varied diet! Keep the product out of the reach of children!

If you are receiving medical treatment, are pregnant or breastfeeding, please consult your doctor before using this food supplement.

If you have an allergic reaction to any of the ingredients, drink a large glass of water and contact your doctor.

We recommend using ReAline® with other Dr. Dean's products.

Storage: Store tightly closed at room temperature in a dry place.

L-methionine (natural source), L-taurine (natural source), vitamin B3 (nicotinamide, from Saccharomyces cells), vitamin B5 (D-calcium pantothenate, from Saccharomyces cells), vitamin B1 (thiamine hydrochloride, natural source Saccharomyces Boulardii), vitamin B2 (sodium riboflavin-5'-phosphate), vitamin B6 (pyridoxal-5'-phosphate), vitamin B12 (cobalamin methyl), vitamin B9 ((6S)-5-methyltetrahydrofolic acid glucosamine salt, Quatrefolic®), vitamin B7 or biotin (D-biotin, from Saccharomyces cells), vegetable cellulose (capsule shell), bulking agent: cellulose, vegetable stearate, anti-caking agent: amorphous silica. 


Kalda tee 1C, Tartu: -
Mustakivi keskus: -

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