Tahe Mix Profesional Glossy Colour Permanent Hair Color, Hårfärgningsmedel För Hemmabruk 6.31 Dark Golden Ash Blonde
Hair color with grapefruit extract, argan oil and Plex technology - the first color that restores hair! The hair dye contains a high concentration of fatty acid derivatives that enhance hair color, reduce frizz, strengthen and protect hair, and reduce hair breakage. Natural grapefruit extract and argan oil add shine to the hair and ensure a long-lasting result. The set contains more color - a total of 150ml to cover even thick hair. The package contains: 1 tube of Mix Profesional hair dye 60ml, ...
Hair color with grapefruit extract, argan oil and Plex technology - the first color that restores hair! The hair dye contains a high concentration of fatty acid derivatives that enhance hair color, reduce frizz, strengthen and protect hair, and reduce hair breakage. Natural grapefruit extract and argan oil add shine to the hair and ensure a long-lasting result. The set contains more color - a total of 150ml to cover even thick hair. The package contains: 1 tube of Mix Profesional hair dye 60ml, 1 bottle of Mix Profesional hydrogen 90ml, 1 color protective hair mask 10ml, 1 pair of plastic gloves (English user manual attached!).
Remove all jewelry before coloring your hair. Protect your clothes and use plastic gloves while painting. Apply hair dye to dry or towel-dried hair. Do not use metal tools to apply the paint. Remove the color from the skin immediately using a cotton pad soaked in warm water. For porous or light hair, we recommend testing the color first on a small section of hair. Mix a small amount of dye and hydrogen together and apply to the test strip. Leave on for 20 minutes. Rinse well. Mixing the paint: remove the cap from the color cream tube and press the protective membrane through the tube using the other end of the cap. Remove the cap from the fixing emulsion bottle and squeeze the coloring cream into the bottle. Close the fixative emulsion bottle and shake until the color cream and fixative are completely mixed. Open the cap of the bottle immediately to prevent the mixture from swelling and exploding. Use the entire color mixture immediately. Applying the color mixture: apply the color mixture directly from the bottle to the roots of the hair (picture 1) Effect time 20 minutes. Apply the rest of the color mixture to the length of the hair. Gently massage the color mixture into the hair. Comb the hair with a fine-toothed plastic comb so that the color is distributed evenly throughout the hair (Figure 2). Duration of effect 10 minutes. Aftercare: when the color has finished, apply a small amount of warm water to the hair and massage into the foam. Wash your hair thoroughly until the rinse water is completely clean (Figure 3). Wash your hair with color protection shampoo. Apply conditioner to towel-dried hair, let it work and rinse well.
Kalda tee 1C, Tartu:
Mustakivi keskus:
* Observera! Mängden varor är informativ och förändras ständigt. Observera att varan kan vara slutsåld när du skickar in din beställning eller besöker vår butik. Dessutom kanske kvantiteten inte alltid är korrekt. Tänk på att att ha en produkt i lager inte alltid automatiskt garanterar att den kommer att finnas tillgänglig i den kvantitet som krävs.
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5> - mängden varor i lager är mer än 5 st.
>100 - mer än 100 artiklar i lager
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Har vi varorna i lager i Tulika-butiken och beställningen görs före kl 12:00 så skickas de oftast ut samma eller nästa dag. Om det händer att varan är slut i lager eller vi har den i andra butiker som den behöver beställas från, så kan det ta längre tid att skicka ut den, beroende på vilken stad och stadsdel den ska skickas från. I allmänhet kommer relevant information att skickas till din e-postadress om leveransen av varorna försenas i mer än 5 dagar. Du kan alltid be om ytterligare information från vår packavdelning på vardagar kl. 8.00-17.00 på telefon: 55537452
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