Talika Bio Enzymes Mask After Sun

Talika Bio Enzymes Mask After Sun Inspired by Asian biomedical research, biocellulose is a discovery that has traditionally been used in surgery to aid healing. It is a natural nanofiber obtained through biotechnology processes and is 100% biocompatible with the skin. Talika discovered in 2010 that it had surprising cosmetic properties : pure, fine, ultra-flexible and capable of ensuring a high concentration of active ingredients and of optimizing their effectiveness.   As a pioneer in ...

12.61 € -3%  (20 gr)
630.5€ / 1Kg
13 €  (20 gr)
650€ / 1Kg
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EAN-kod / Paketkod : 3139438550430

Producent : Prantsusmaa - France

Packa : 20 gr

Talika Bio Enzymes Mask After Sun

Inspired by Asian biomedical research, biocellulose is a discovery that has traditionally been used in surgery to aid healing. It is a natural nanofiber obtained through biotechnology processes and is 100% biocompatible with the skin. Talika discovered in 2010 that it had surprising cosmetic properties : pure, fine, ultra-flexible and capable of ensuring a high concentration of active ingredients and of optimizing their effectiveness.  
As a pioneer in biocellulose for cosmetics, Talika has now adapted the revolutionary formula of Bio Enzymes Mask® for the face to create a specific mask that meets the needs of skin after sun exposure.


Bio Enzymes Mask® After Sun is the miracle solution to relieve dehydrated and damaged skin after sun exposure :

 - Soothes and relieves
- Hydrates
- Repairs and regenerates

 Sensation of freshness and instant comfort that lasts and lasts. The skin is soft and velvety once more.

Kalda tee 1C, Tartu: <5
Mustakivi keskus: <5

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