My Magic Mitten Exfoliating Glove, Pīlinga cimds

• Deeply cleanses and removes dead skin cells • Easily removes old or artificial tanning • Improves blood circulation • Reduces cellulite and stretch marks • Promotes collagen production • Helps prevent ingrown hairs   In order to achieve silky smooth skin, it is necessary to take care of the skin and exfoliate it regularly. A unique, 100% Turkish silk glove will do wonders for your skin and exfoliate it on a whole new level! The glove removes dead s...

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EAN kods / Iepakojuma kods : Kinnas SV

Producents : Vaata pakendilt

Importētājs : Vaata pakendilt

Komplekts : 1 tk

• Deeply cleanses and removes dead skin cells
• Easily removes old or artificial tanning
• Improves blood circulation
• Reduces cellulite and stretch marks
• Promotes collagen production
• Helps prevent ingrown hairs


In order to achieve silky smooth skin, it is necessary to take care of the skin and exfoliate it regularly. A unique, 100% Turkish silk glove will do wonders for your skin and exfoliate it on a whole new level! The glove removes dead skin cells and has a deep cleansing effect. The glove also stimulates blood circulation, thus reducing cellulite and stretch marks.

The My Magic Mitten Peeling Glove is also perfect for those who use self-tanning products. In order for artificial tanning to last longer and be beautiful, it is necessary to prepare the skin in advance. We definitely recommend using My Magic Mitten before using a self-tanning product. If the tan starts to wear off, you can quickly and easily peel it off with a glove and apply a new layer of self-tanning product.

1) Before first use, wash the glove with hot water only.
2) Take a hot shower, bath or sauna for 10-15 minutes. Do not use soap or shower gel, hot water is enough.
3) Try to rub the skin with your thumb, if it starts to peel off under your thumb, the skin is ready to use the glove.
4) Get out of the bath or shower and let the skin dry for about 30 seconds. Squeeze the excess water out of the glove and pull the glove on.
5) With a glove, exfoliate the skin with long, gentle movements until the dead skin is peeled off.
6) Rinse yourself in the shower.
7) Wash the glove with hot water after each use.


The exfoliating effect may not come if the skin is too wet or hairy.
The glove is not suitable for machine washing.
Do not use the glove more than once a week.
Do not use on damaged, acne-prone and inflamed skin.
Do not share with others. For personal use only.
The exfoliating effect may not be visible with each use, but exfoliation still occurs.


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  • Cik ilgi man jāgaida pasūtījums?
    Ja preces mums ir noliktavā veikalā Tulika un pasūtījums tiek veikts līdz 12:00, tās parasti tiek izsūtītas tajā pašā vai nākamajā dienā. Ja gadās, ka prece ir beigusies vai mums tā ir citos veikalos, no kuriem tā ir jāpasūta, tad tās izsūtīšana var aizņemt ilgāku laiku, atkarībā no tā, no kuras pilsētas un rajona tā ir jāsūta. Parasti uz Jūsu e-pasta adresi tiks nosūtīta attiecīga informācija, ja preču sūtījums aizkavēsies ilgāk par 5 dienām. Papildu informāciju vienmēr varat jautāt mūsu iepakošanas nodaļai darba dienās no 8:00 līdz 17:00 pa tālruni: 55537452

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