Arôms Natur Happiness Cosmetics Purify Balancing Cream

Happiness Cosmetics sarja kuuluv tõhusalt niisutav kreem sisaldab eksklusiivset lavendli ja neroli õievett. Lisaks on toodet rikastatud hulga väärtuslike neitsiõlidega, nagu näiteks jojoobi, tsubaki (Camellia Japonica), babassu, ahvileivapuu (baobabi) ning kopaali (Copaiba Oleoresin) eeterliku õliga, mis hoiavad naha terve ja säravana. Niisutavas kreemis leidub ka aloe vera, pajukoore, acai vilja, Copaiba õli, magnoolia ja bakucholi ekstr...

Out of stock or no longer in the product range, see similar products on our website

EAN Code / Package Code : 8413568008715

Producer : Vaata pakendilt

Importer : Vaata pakendilt

Pack : 50 ml

Happiness Cosmetics sarja kuuluv tõhusalt niisutav kreem sisaldab eksklusiivset lavendli ja neroli õievett. Lisaks on toodet rikastatud hulga väärtuslike neitsiõlidega, nagu näiteks jojoobi, tsubaki (Camellia Japonica), babassu, ahvileivapuu (baobabi) ning kopaali (Copaiba Oleoresin) eeterliku õliga, mis hoiavad naha terve ja säravana.

Niisutavas kreemis leidub ka aloe vera, pajukoore, acai vilja, Copaiba õli, magnoolia ja bakucholi ekstrakte – kõik need taimed on tuntud ning kasutusel olnud juba aastasadu, rikastades nahka ning organismi mitte ainult väljast-, vaid ka seestpoolt, selle sügavamates kihtides.

Looduslike toimeainete tõestatud tõhusus:

Kopaali (Copaiba Oleoresin) eeterlik õli reguleerib tõhusalt naha rasueritust, mis iseäranis rasuse naha puhul on hädavajalik puhtuse tagamiseks.
Aloe vera on tuntud eeskätt oma nahka taastava, rahustava ja niisutava toime poolest.
Pajukoor mõjub ärritusi leevendavalt, rahustab nahka ega lase põletikel tekkida.
Kolm võimsat Amazonase taime – Acai, Copaiba ja Andiroba – ennetavad ning vähendavad tõhusalt komedoonide teket. On tõestatud, et pärast 56 päeva kasutamist vähenes komedoonide arv 42,9% ning nahkahjustused 45% võrra. Luksuslike toimeainete kompleks aitab hoida rasust nahka puhtana ning on tõestatud, et see mõjub ka aknevastaselt.
Magnooliakoorel on kaks võimsat põletikuvastast omadust: magnolol ja honikiol, mille sünergiline koosmõju leevendab põletikulisi protsesse ning neutraliseerib efektiivselt naha enneaegset vananemist põhjustavate radikaalide tööd.
Bakuchiol on antioksüdant, mida leidub eksootilise Psoralea corylifolia seemnetes ja lehtedes. Uuringud on näidanud, et kui kanda seda koostisosa sisaldavat kreemi näole kaks korda päevas, mõjub see nahale tugevalt vananemisvastase toimega. Samuti mõjub see seenhaigustevastaselt ning pärsib melaniini tootvate rakkude tööd ehk vähendab seeläbi pigmendilaikude teket. Sinu nahk saab kaunilt ühtlase jume ja naha toon paraneb.

Kasutada hommikuti eelnevalt puhastatud näol ja kaelal. Masseerida õrnalt kuni kreem on imendunud.


Açaí, Aloe vera, Andiroba, Babassu, Bakuchiol, Baobab, Betaine, Birch, Copaiba, Crambe, Hyaluronic acid, Jojoba, Lavender, Magnolia, Neroli, Olive, Red algae, Tsubaki, Willow.


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You will find answers to all the most important questions here. If something remains unclear, write or call us

Question about the order

  • I have not received an order confirmation at the e-mail address you entered
    If there is no confirmation, your order is still registered with us and you do not have to worry about it. Please check your e-mail spam and spam folder, sometimes the messages will go there as well. If you still can't find it, you can contact us if you need at
  • How do I see the status of my order and know if the goods have been shipped
    The status of the order will be sent to your e-mail address once the goods have been shipped. Also registered customers can see their orders and their statuses by logging in from the order history. Additional information about the order: or phone: 55537452
  • If the status of the order is pending/some goods missing, what does that mean?
    The pending/some goods missing status of the goods means that some of the products were out of stock (usually the maximum ordering time can be seen in the e-shop, but in general the goods will arrive faster) and the goods should arrive soon, then be shipped.
  • Can I return the product I ordered?
    ATTENTION: Due to health and hygiene requirements, cosmetic products cannot be returned or exchanged. You can only return products purchased in the e-shop, which have been packaged in such a way that it has not been possible to open them. Products purchased in stores cannot be returned.
  • Has my order been shipped?
    If the order is sent from our warehouse to you, you will immediately receive a notification to your e-mail address if the e-mail address you have entered is correct. Please also check your spam folder. You can also see your order status by logging into your account and under the "Order History" link.
  • How long do I have to wait for my order?
    If we have the goods in stock at the Tulika store and the order is placed before 12:00, they are usually sent out the same or the next day. If it happens that the product is out of stock or we have it in other stores from which it needs to be ordered, then it may take longer to send it out, depending on which city and district it has to be sent from. In general, relevant information will be sent to your e-mail address if the shipment of the goods is delayed for more than 5 days. You can always ask for additional information from our packing department on weekdays from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on the phone: 55537452

Questions about my account


Question about products

  • Can I buy products without VAT?
    If it is a company located in Estonia, you cannot buy products from us without VAT. If the company (legal entity) is located outside Estonia and has a valid VAT number, and the goods you order via the e-shop are sent out of Estonia, it is possible to buy products from us without VAT if you notify us of your request to the e-mail address info@prokosmeetika .ee before placing an order. It is not possible to buy goods from physical stores on site without VAT. This can only be done through the e-shop.

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