Jane Iredale Large Shader Brush

Jane Iredale Large Shader Brush This deluxe brush is perfect for shading when you want a wider stroke of eye color or to prime the entire eye lid with powder foundation A long, flat, medium-density brush made of pony and ox hair.   Use for shading when you want a wider stroke of eye color or to prime the entire eyelid with powder foundation.

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EAN / Код : Large Shader

Производитель : USA

Упаковка : 1 tk

Jane Iredale Large Shader Brush

This deluxe brush is perfect for shading when you want a wider stroke of eye color or to prime the entire eye lid with powder foundation

A long, flat, medium-density brush made of pony and ox hair.


Use for shading when you want a wider stroke of eye color or to prime the entire eyelid with powder foundation.