PaintGlow Glitter Me Up! Nail Polish Red
PaintGlow Glitter Me Up! Nail Polish Containing thousands of Glitter flecks in every stroke, our Glitter me Up™ Nail Polish is every girls dream nail accessory. Comes in 8 fantastic colours, every application sparkles intensely with our One-Coat quick drying system. Style your own way. GLOW. SHIMMER. SHINE. Enhance your look!
EAN / Код : 5060467400824 SV
Производитель : Inglismaa UK
Упаковка : 10 ml
PaintGlow Glitter Me Up! Nail Polish
Containing thousands of Glitter flecks in every stroke, our Glitter me Up™ Nail Polish is every girls dream nail accessory.
Comes in 8 fantastic colours, every application sparkles intensely with our One-Coat quick drying system.
Style your own way. GLOW. SHIMMER. SHINE. Enhance your look!
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