Eulenspiegel Pirate Set - 4 colors + Brush

Eulenspiegel Pirate Set - 4 colors + Brush Face paint is an excellent way to give a Halloween costume an extra dose of style. It is appropriate for any costume and every age group, too. You don't have to be an artist to apply face paint like a professional. All it requires is the right paint, brushes, and a few easy techniques like applying a base color first, using stencils, erasing mistakes with wipes, and finishing the look with setting powder. 1. Apply Base Color Before working on...

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EAN / Код : 4028362204023

Производитель : Saksamaa - Germany

Импортер : PRO Kosmeetika

Упаковка : 20 gr

Eulenspiegel Pirate Set - 4 colors + Brush

Face paint is an excellent way to give a Halloween costume an extra dose of style. It is appropriate for any costume and every age group, too. You don't have to be an artist to apply face paint like a professional. All it requires is the right paint, brushes, and a few easy techniques like applying a base color first, using stencils, erasing mistakes with wipes, and finishing the look with setting powder.

1. Apply Base Color
Before working on the face paint design, you need to apply a skin-toned base color with a slightly damp makeup sponge. Makeup sponges work better than brushes for this step because they leave a more even coat of color. It leaves a smooth and oil-free surface that adheres better to colorful face paints.

2. Paint Light to Dark
Most face paint designs require multiple colors of paint. You should apply the lighter colors first and darkest colors last. This gives the overall look dimension and contrast. In addition, because face paints tend to blend, dark colors stand out better on light colors while light colors fade against dark colors.
3. Build Color
Rather than painting one thick coat of paint, it is more effective to paint multiple thin coats. Each coat makes the color more vibrant and provides better coverage. Face painters should let each coat dry completely before painting the next coat of the same color.

4. Outline and Stencil
Painting freehand can be difficult for novice face painters. To avoid mistakes and ensure that the overall look is clear and symmetrical, you should first outline the design using a thin paintbrush and a small amount of white face paint. To make this process even easier, painters can trace the design using a face paint stencil.
Sponge Stencil
Stencils with small details work better with a sponge application rather than brush application. To sponge in a stencil, you can gently hold the stencil on the face, dab a makeup sponge in paint, and then dab the paint onto the face through the stencil. The design will be cleaner if the sponge has a small amount of paint on it.
5. Utilize Brushes
Vivid face painting does not just depend on the paint; it also depends on the size and shape of the brushes. Different brushes create different looks and require different techniques.
Dip brush in glitter, tap off excess, and then dust on the face

Sponges also give an interesting texture to face paint. You might experiment with the textural look of stipple sponges by dabbing paint onto a piece of paper. This technique is useful for creating blood spray or grime in a monster makeup look.

6. Erase Mistakes
Face paints are available in either water-based or oil-based versions. Water-based face paints are better for beginners. It is easier to clean mistakes without messing up the whole face paint. You can fix larger mistakes by dabbing and wiping away the area with a regular makeup removing face wipe. To fix a smaller mistake, face painters should dip a cotton swab in basic eye makeup remover and use it like a pencil eraser.

7. Set with Powder

Face paint is not complete without setting powder. You can easily set makeup by dipping a makeup puff in powder and lightly dusting the face. Although this powder is translucent, it will dull paint color somewhat. The powder also leaves skin matte rather than shiny. If the face paint design includes any metallic paint or glitter, buyers should use finishing powder first, then apply the sparkles.



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